Landsberg – Geschichte - 20. Jahrhundert – Zeitgeschichte – NS Geschichte


Europäische Holocaustgedenkstätte Stiftung e.V.
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The European Holocaust Memorial Foundation
(Europäische Holocaustgedenkstätte e.V.)



The European Holocaust Memorial Foundation was founded on 21 April 2009 with the aim to combine sources, archival material and objects from a wide variety of collections, and make them available for science, research and youth work. It covers the following topics:

- Hitler's imprisonment in Landsberg: 1923/1924
- Landsberg "City of Youth" - a National Socialist place of pilgrimage
- The concentration camp outpost Kaufering/Landsberg: 1944/1945
- The OT (Todt Organisation) war factory under the construction site supervision of "Ringeltaube" 1944/1945
- War Criminal Prison No. 1 in Landsberg: 1945 - 1955
- The DP camp (displaced persons camp) Landsberg: 1945 - 1951
- Occupation and a new beginning for democracy in Landsberg
- History of displacement and historical reappraisal at Landsberg and its surroundings

Main task of the Memorial Foundation is, above all, to maintain and develop the European Holocaust Memorial (former concentration camp Kaufering VII) as a witness to the crimes of National Socialism, as a place of remembrance of the suffering of the victims and as an educational place for future generations. In addition, it aims to contribute to keeping alive and passing on the knowledge of historical events in people's awareness.

The Foundation therefore considers the planning, design and construction of a documentation centre for the concentration camp complex Kaufering/Landsberg a fundamental duty.

This includes the development of exhibition concepts, the dissemination of knowledge about historical events at the authentic location, as well as the research and communication of contemporary history in Landsberg County. Moreover, its tasks also include the exchange and cooperation with other memorial sites, information and documentation centres, museums, universities and schools.

We offer guided tours at the European Holocaust Memorial site and to the archaeological remains of the Kaufering/Landsberg concentration camp complex.

We have helped and continue to help survivors of concentration camps, their children and grandchildren in the search for family members.

We support national and international youth exchange programmes, give lectures and implement projects with pupils and students.


European Holocaust Memorial Foundation



Landsberger Zeitgeschichte
Landsbergs Contemporary history
© Manfred Deiler, 2015 Landsberg am Lech
Europäische Holocaustgedenkstätte Stiftung e.V.
European Holocaust Memorial Foundation e.V.